Mercy is a lawyer in love with sports. She has eight(8) years of substantive experience in Football Management, serving as Head of Marketing, Sponsorship, and Public Relations at Onduparaka FC. Having acquired 40% of the club’s shares, she transitioned into the portfolio of Managing Director, overseeing marketing and resource mobilization. She also serves as the Chairperson of the Appeals Committee of the West Nile Region Football Association in Uganda.

Outside of football, Mercy is Head of Programs and Fundraising at ActionAid International Uganda, where she oversees the country programs anchored on supporting people’s struggles for social justice. She has previously led work on women’s access to climate and gender justice, governance, community mobilization and awareness to challenge patriarchy, and advocacy for climate and gender-inclusive policies within Uganda and the Great Lakes region of Africa.

She holds a Master of Law in oil and gas studies.